HTML5 Viewer SDK API Documentation 


Class Index

Classes in s7sdk

Class s7sdk.VideoSetDesc

Extends s7sdk.MediaSetDesc.

The VideoSetDesc object represents a collection videos. It corresponds to the <set> element of the req=set response, The set element is a container of 0 or more items with optional shared targets, image, maps, and userdata associated with this catalog record.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
s7sdk.VideoSetDesc(parent, level, type, name, swatch, image)
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Optional image associated with this video set.
Fields borrowed from class s7sdk.MediaSetDesc:
items, level, maps, targets, userdata
Fields borrowed from class s7sdk.ItemDesc:
name, parent, swatch, type
Class Detail
s7sdk.VideoSetDesc(parent, level, type, name, swatch, image)
{VideoSetDesc} parent
The parent set.
{Number} level
Zero-based set level where 0 corresponds to the top-level set.
{ItemDescType} type
The type of the item element. The supported types are listed in the ItemDescType enumeration.
{String} name
The name represents the catalog ID of the set element and it corresponds to the n attribute of the <i>, <v> or <set> XML elements of the req=set response.
{SwatchDesc} swatch
swatch associated with this video set.
{ImageDesc} image
poster image associated with this video set.
Field Detail
Optional image associated with this video set.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Thu Jan 30 2020 16:40:37 GMT+0200 (EET)