HTML5 Viewer SDK API Documentation 


Class Index

Classes in s7sdk.set

Class s7sdk.set.MediaSet

The MediaSet component retrieves an image set definition from Image Serving and parses the set into a DOM-like structure whose elements describe the set. The component is compatible only with Image Serving versions that support req=set command, 4.7 and higher. After the image serving response arrives and is parsed, a notification event is sent that contains either the root MediaSetDesc instance representing the set or OrientationSetDesc instance with two nested MediaSetDesc objects. This component supports both mixed media and embedded sets, and ordinary sets. When using MediaSet to get the set definition, propagating the set definition to the components that support sets must be done from JavaScript using the provided API.

By default, when enableOrientation modifier is set to 0, component returns single MediaSetDesc instance with AssetEvent.NOTF_SET_PARSED event. This mode of operation is the most common and suitable for applications which do not change when device is rotated. However certain implementations like eCatalogs may need to present asset differently in different orientation modes. For example, double-page catalog spreads may appear as a single double-page frame in landscape orientation but show as two separate single-page frames in portrait orientation. For such applications enableOrientation modifier should be set to 1, this instructs MediaSet component to return OrientationSetDesc instance with two nested orientation-specific MediaSetDesc objects. Application code and SDK components may choose which MediaSetDesc to use depending on device orientation.

MediaSet can override labels for MediaSetDesc elements using MediaSet.LABEL_XX[_YY] and MediaSet.LABEL_DELIM symbols. In order to override label for a given spread MediaSet.LABEL_XX symbol should be defined, where XX stands for 0-based item index, applicable for landscape-specific MediaSetDesc. There is no need to define labels for landscape and portrait orientations separately; it is enough to set landscape-specific labels and MediaSet will properly apply them to the portrait mode. For example, in order to set labels for the 2nd spread in the catalog, MediaSet.LABEL_1 should be defined. If MediaSetDesc instance is eCatalog with multi-page spreads, it is possible to assign label to a specific page inside a spread by adding _YY part to the symbol name, where YY means 0-based page index inside the spread. For example, in order to set label for the right page of the 3d spread in the catalog, MediaSet.LABEL_2_1 should be defined. Item labels coming from Image Serving are ignored for a specific MediaSetDesc item if there is a localization symbol defined for that item or for a page inside that item.

It is important to understand that this component does not recursively extract the definition of the embedded sets. Instead you should react to the current state in the viewer and explicitly set the desired set using provided setMediaSet() API.

Customizing Behavior Using Modifiers

Modifiers change MediaSet default behavior. They are passed to the component by the ParameterManager instance specified in the constructor.

The following modifiers are supported:

serverurlisRootPathImage Serving root path. If no domain is specified, the domain from which the viewer is served is used./is/image/
contenturlcontentRootPathThe content root path. If no domain is specified, the domain from which the page is served is applied instead. Standard URI path resolution applies./is/content/
directionauto|left|rightSpecifies the way the name field of ImageDesc instances used inside the MediaSetDesc is composed in case images consistst of multiple sub-images, like with some eCatalogs. left stitches sub-images in a left-to-right rendering order and right reverses the order so that sub-images are stitched right-to-left. When auto is set, the component applies right mode when locale is set to "ja". Otherwise, left is
enableOrientation1|0Defines how the req=set response from Image Serving is parsed. When set to 0, only landscape MediaSetDesc instance representing the set is sent with the AssetEvent.NOTF_SET_PARSED event. When set to 1 the OrientationSetDesc instance with both landscape and portrait MediaSetDesc objects are created.0
flattenSets0|1[,0|1]Set the first option to 1 to flatten the media set so that all items from the nested image and swatch sets appear directly in the media set. Use 0 to keep the media set structure unchanged. If the second option is set to 1 then swatches that are explicitly set for items in the nested image and swatch sets are ignored and image thumbnails are used instead. This option applies only when the media set is flattened.0,0
assetisCommandIS catalog/image ID with an optional IS command. For complicated asset values, use the CopyUrl function to safely generate the asset values. URL-encode template variables within asset values, including Unicode text. URL-encode the entire asset value one time further before using it in a URL.
labelkeykeySpecifies the name of the property that is stored in catalog::UserData which, in turn, defines the text string to use as an image or swatch label. If specified, it is propagated to Image Serving by appending labelkey=key to the req=set request. If the user data property with the specified key is found, Image Serving inserts its value in the response as image and swatch labels.label

Localizable Symbols

MediaSet also has two text symbols that you can localize either in a preset or in the viewer page though the mechanisms provided by the ParameterManager. For more information on localization consult the ParameterManager API documentation and HTML5 Viewers SDK User Guide.

MediaSet.LABEL_XX[_YY]Define a localized label for MediaSetDesc item. XX stands for 0-based item index in landscape orientation; optional _YY part is a 0-based index of a page within multi-page spread.
MediaSet.LABEL_DELIMDefine a localized delimiter for multi-page labels generated based on MediaSet.LABEL_XX[_YY] symbol. By default is " - ".

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
s7sdk.set.MediaSet(containerId, settings, compId)
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
addEventListener(type, handler, useCapture)
Adds an event listener to the instance of the MediaSet component.
Disposes the component.
Sets the asset directly.
Sets 1-N # of modifiers for the component.
Class Detail
s7sdk.set.MediaSet(containerId, settings, compId)
Example Code

This example demonstrates how to use the MediaSet component in a simple viewer. In this example a Container object, a Swatches object, a ZoomView object, a MediaSet object, and 4 pan button objects are created. The Swatches object loads and displays all the swatch images in the designated MediaSet. If a user clicks on a swatch the ZoomView object loads and displays the appropriate image asset. When a user zooms in on the image in the ZoomView, clicking any of the pan buttons will move the image in the appropriate direction within the ZoomView display area. The code below does the following:

  1. The Scene7 HTML5 SDK is linked to the page and the required s7sdk components are included in the document head.
  2. CSS Styles are defined in the document head to control the appearance of the SDK components used in the viewer.
  3. The s7sdk.Util.init() method is called to initialize the SDK.
  4. A ParameterManager object is created to handle component modifiers for the viewer.
  5. An initViewer() function is defined. This function initializes a modifier (hard coded for example purposes), then creates the component objects required for this simple example. The setAsset() method is called on the MediaSet object to designate a media set for the viewer to load and display. The initViewer() function also adds event listeners that designate functions to handle relevant component events (which might be dispatched by the components as a result of user interactions, changes in a component's state, etc.).
  6. Handler functions are defined to respond to the component event listeners added in the initViewer() function.
  7. An event listener is added to the ParameterManager object that designates the initViewer() function as the handler to call when the Scene7 SDK is loaded and ready.
  8. Finally, the init() method is called on the ParameterManager object to start the viewer.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no, height=device-height, width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0"/> <title>MediaSet and Pan Button Example</title> <!-- To run this example locally you need to replace this with an absolute SDK path. For more information check the HTML5 Viewers SDK User Guide or the examples included in the package. --> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../js/s7sdk/utils/Utils.js"></script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> s7sdk.Util.lib.include('s7sdk.common.Button'); s7sdk.Util.lib.include('s7sdk.common.Container'); s7sdk.Util.lib.include('s7sdk.set.MediaSet'); s7sdk.Util.lib.include('s7sdk.set.Swatches'); s7sdk.Util.lib.include('s7sdk.image.ZoomView'); </script> <style type="text/css" media="screen"> .s7zoomview { width: 300px; height: 300px; } .s7panupbutton { display:block; position: absolute; top: 30px; left: 25px; width: 25px; height: 25px; z-index: 5000; } .s7pandownbutton { display:block; position: absolute; top: 80px; left: 25px; width: 25px; height: 25px; z-index: 5000; } .s7panleftbutton { display:block; position: absolute; top: 55px; left: 0px; width: 25px; height: 25px; z-index: 5000; } .s7panrightbutton { display:block; position: absolute; top: 55px; left: 50px; width: 25px; height: 25px; z-index: 5000; } .s7swatches { top: 305px; left: 0px; height: 150px; width: 300px; border: 1px; border-color:#cccccc; background-color: rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.5); } </style> </head> <body> <div id="s7container"></div> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> var params, container, swatches, zoomView, mediaSet, panRightButton, panLeftButton, panUpButton, panDownButton; // Initialize the SDK s7sdk.Util.init(); // Create ParameterManager instance to handles modifiers params = new s7sdk.ParameterManager(); // Define the function that initializes the viewer function initViewer(){ // Set hardcoded modifiers (not required when values are specified on the url) params.push("serverurl", ""); // Create the container component object container = new s7sdk.Container(null, params, "s7container"); // Note: Any component supporting the setMediaSet API can be driven // by the MediaSet component. // Create the Swatches component object swatches = new s7sdk.set.Swatches(container, params, "swatches"); // Create the ZoomView component object zoomView = new s7sdk.image.ZoomView(container, params, "zoomView"); // Create the pan button component objects panRightButton = new s7sdk.common.PanRightButton(container, params, "panRightButton"); panLeftButton = new s7sdk.common.PanLeftButton(container, params, "panLeftButton"); panUpButton = new s7sdk.common.PanUpButton(container, params, "panUpButton"); panDownButton = new s7sdk.common.PanDownButton(container, params, "panDownButton"); // Create the MediaSet component object // Note: The MediaSet constructor does not require the first or last parameter mediaSet = new s7sdk.set.MediaSet(null, params, null); // Note: MediaSet.setAsset can be called any time after the MediaSet is created. // The NOTF_SET_PARSED event will be sent each time a new asset is loaded. mediaSet.setAsset('demo/Backpacks'); // Add event listeners for pan button clicks panUpButton.addEventListener("click",function(){zoomView.zoomNPan(0, 0.2);}, true); panDownButton.addEventListener("click",function(){zoomView.zoomNPan(0, -0.2);}, true); panLeftButton.addEventListener("click",function(){zoomView.zoomNPan(0.2, 0);}, true); panRightButton.addEventListener("click",function(){zoomView.zoomNPan(-0.2, 0);}, true); // Add an event listener for mediaset parsed events // Note: This event will be emitted every time the MediaSet.setAsset function is called. mediaSet.addEventListener(s7sdk.event.AssetEvent.NOTF_SET_PARSED, onSetParsed, false); // Add an event listener for swatch selected events swatches.addEventListener(s7sdk.AssetEvent.SWATCH_SELECTED_EVENT, onSwatchSelected, false); // Add an event listener for zoom capability state changes zoomView.addEventListener(s7sdk.event.CapabilityStateEvent.NOTF_ZOOM_CAPABILITY_STATE, onZoomStateChange); } // Define an event handler function to update the swatches when the mediaset is parsed function onSetParsed(event) { swatches.setMediaSet(event.s7event.asset); swatches.selectSwatch(0); } // Define an event handler function to update the ZoomView image when a new swatch is selected function onSwatchSelected(event){ zoomView.setItem(event.s7event.asset); } // Define an event handler function to enable/disable pan buttons based on zoom state function onZoomStateChange(event){ if(event.s7event.state.hasCapability(s7sdk.ZoomCapabilityState.PAN_LEFT)){ panLeftButton.activate(); }else{ panLeftButton.deactivate(); } if(event.s7event.state.hasCapability(s7sdk.ZoomCapabilityState.PAN_RIGHT)){ panRightButton.activate(); }else{ panRightButton.deactivate(); } if(event.s7event.state.hasCapability(s7sdk.ZoomCapabilityState.PAN_UP)){ panUpButton.activate(); }else{ panUpButton.deactivate(); } if (event.s7event.state.hasCapability(s7sdk.ZoomCapabilityState.PAN_DOWN)){ panDownButton.activate(); }else{ panDownButton.deactivate(); } } // The ParameterManager will dispatch SDK_READY when all modifiers have been processed // and it is safe to initialize the viewer params.addEventListener(s7sdk.Event.SDK_READY, initViewer, false); // Now it is safe to process the modifiers, the callbacks have been defined // this will trigger the SDK_READY event params.init(); </script> </body> </html>
{String} containerId
Not used for MediaSet.
{s7sdk.ParameterManager} settings
A ParameterManager object that contains all settings.
{String} compId
Not used for MediaSet.
Method Detail
addEventListener(type, handler, useCapture)
Adds an event listener to the instance of the MediaSet component. The handler function receives a DOM event object of type Event. The object contains a property s7event, which references the associated custom event object, for example s7sdk.event.AssetEvent.

The event supported by the component is:

  • s7sdk.event.AssetEvent.NOTF_SET_PARSED - Dispatched when image serving response arrives and is parsed. s7sdk.event.AssetEvent
  • Parameters:
    {String} type
    Event name, for example s7sdk.event.AssetEvent.NOTF_SET_PARSED.
    {Function} handler
    Function to be called when the event gets dispatched.
    {Boolean} useCapture
    Register capture phase.

    Disposes the component. All server calls which could be potentially running are stopped.

    Sets the asset directly. The component invalidates and rebuilds using the existing serverurl and the new asset. After the response from ImageServing is received and parsed, the s7sdk.event.AssetEvent.NOTF_SET_PARSED event is emitted with the parsed DOM structure in the AssetEvent.asset property in the s7event object, passed to the s7sdk.event.AssetEvent.NOTF_SET_PARSED event handler.
    {String} asset
    The asset string that identifies the media set, or any other Scene7 Publishing System asset.

    Sets 1-N # of modifiers for the component.
    {Object} modObj
    A simple JSON object with name:value pairs of valid modifiers for a particular component

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